Blog Archives

Appointment of Ms Fiona Ross as Chairperson to the National Paediatric Hospital Development Board (NPHDB)

Following a State Boards campaign and selection process, the Minister for Health, Stephen Donnelly TD, is delighted to announce the appointment of Ms Fiona Ross as Chairperson of the National Paediatric Hospital Development Board (NPHDB). Ms Ross has significant Chair and Board level experience, and currently serves as Chair of Córas Iompair Éireann (CIÉ) and has served on 17 Boards in Ireland and the UK.  

Applications now invited for the BAM Ireland Community Benefit Fund

new children’s hospital Community Benefit FundEducation bursaries and community grants available to neighbouring areas Community Benefit Fund Educational Bursary Recipients 2020 Applications are now invited for the new children’s hospital 2021 Community Benefit Fund, which is funded by the project’s main contractor BAM Ireland.€50,000 is now available for the 2021 Community Grants Scheme and a number of Further Education Bursaries will be funded for students entering third-level level and further education colleges who are studying professional health qualifications and construction related subjects.

Connect Residents Feb – May 2020


Pioneering Community Benefit Programme driving regeneration in the area surrounding the new children’s hospital

Almost 1,830 work weeks delivered by new entrants*, and 2,431.5 work weeks by local workers 10 apprenticeships created to date with more to come on stream this year €2.5 million spent to date by main contractor on local contracts and suppliers 3 contracts awarded to social enterprises More than 1,000 local children and young people have participated in events An update on the new children’s hospital project will be delivered to the Dublin City Council South Central Area Committee in January by representatives from the National Paediatric Hospital Development Board (NPHDB) and Children’s Health Ireland (CHI).

Pioneering Community Benefit Programme driving regeneration in the area surrounding the new children’s hospital

Almost 1,830 work weeks delivered by new entrants*, and 2,431.5 work weeks by local workers 10 apprenticeships created to date with more to come on stream this year €2.5 million spent to date by main contractor on local contracts and suppliers 3 contracts awarded to social enterprises An update on the new children’s hospital project was delivered to the Dublin City Council South Central Area Committee this week by representatives from the National Paediatric Hospital Development Board (NPHDB) and Children’s Health Ireland (CHI).